‘Neurons that fire together, wire together’

Eye Movement desensitisation & reprocessing involves recalling a memory or belief, then processing it until it is less emotionally charged - which in turn offers emotional relief and psychological distance. Processing means allowing all feelings, thoughts, sensations, images and thoughts to arise as they happen. Once a memory is processed, this allows ‘space’ for new beliefs to emerge that are more empowering and consequently, learn new ways of being in the world.

To explain EMDR through it’s theoretical concept and an analogy; trauma, memories or beliefs become stuck in our brain like a blocked train line (in this case, a neural pathway). When this memory/belief becomes less emotionally charged, it frees the blocked line and allows the train (memory, event or belief) to reach a satisfactory destination (healthy adaptation whereby it is less emotionally charged).

Neurons that fire together, wire together
— Hebb's axiom

The most accepted theory of how EMDR works, is that we’re rewiring the parts of our brain that are associated with the memory or belief. What we do know is that, using the analogy of a blocked train line, is that any other events or thoughts feeding into the same blocked line can also be reprocessed as part of the process. Neuropsychology continues to be an expanding and exciting field of research!

EMDR holds the core belief that when a person is given the right conditions, they’ll naturally heal. As an EMDR practitioner, it is my role to create and maintain those conditions so that

your brain, mind and body can heal themselves.

“Changing the memories that form the way we see ourselves also changes the way we view others. Therefore, our relationships, job performance, what we are willing to do or are able to resist, all move in a positive direction.”

— Francine Shapiro - Researcher, Psychologist & creator of EMDR

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